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# Title Order Updated Body

Billing Information

We are moving towards a fully automated billing system for monthly system payments. We are moving all clients to use standing orders or our new Billing Platform.

System Settings

You can edit these system settings yourself. Settings may take up to an hour to propagate to every user.

System Settings

If you wish to change any of the following settings please contact Equestrian Systems.

Max weight:

Profile declaration:

Shropshire Adventures Terms and Conditions
  1. I have completed the consent form with correct information to the best of my knowledge.
  2. I or the person I am signing for will follow the instruction or guidance of the instructors or coaches working for Shropshire Adventures. I will follow all safety briefings on the risks involved.
  3. I or the person I am signing for will respect Shropshire Adventures equipment and facilities.
  4. I or the person I am signing for will respect all other users of the facilities. I understand that the prevailing weather conditions may result in the activity being changed or cancelled due to safety concerns raised by the Shropshire Adventures instructors.
  5. I understand that photographs of myself or the person I am signing for may be used for promotions and social media posts- provided consent has been given above.
  6. I give permission for myself or the person I am signing for to receive medical attention from staff in the unlikely event of an incident.
  7. Shropshire Adventures will brief all participants on correct and safe use of equipment. Guests are responsible for the cost of any damage to Shropshire Adventures equipment and/or property caused by misuse.
  8. A high standard of conduct is expected during your time at Shropshire Adventures. The centre reserves the right to dismiss guests who persistently ignore the rules or act in a manner likely to affect the safety, comfort, or well being of other guests or staff.
  9. Any person under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances will not be permitted to participate in any activities and may be dismissed from site.

You and/or you on behalf of your child/ward are consenting to take part in an adventurous activity. Although Shropshire Adventures will take every means practically possible to ensure your safety whilst on the activity, adventurous activities are inherently dangerous and always carry a risk of injury and damage to, or loss of, personal effects. Whilst Shropshire Adventures and its instructors will take every precaution to ensure your safety, there may be circumstances which could result in injury or death. It is important to fill in the consent form with any relevant medical information or other important information so that Shropshire Adventures instructors have all the relevant information before you or your child takes part in the activity. By signing this document you accept the risks involved and are responsible for your own actions and/or involvement.

By signing the below, you are agreeing you have read and understood the terms and conditions laid out in this form and will not hold Shropshire Adventures LTD, its employees, volunteers, contractors or landlord liable for any personal injury, expenses or loss whilst visiting our premises or engaged in our activities.

Over 16 Consent: I hereby agree to abide by the above terms and conditions specified in activities offered by Shropshire Adventures.

Under 16 Consent: I hereby give permission for my child/ward to participate in activities under the guidance of instructors approved by Shropshire Adventures and I as parent/ legal guardian will ensure my child will abide by the above terms and conditions.

Top-up text:

Please see our Refund Policy for more information.

Calendar text:

Please note activities can only be booked online if your account has been verified, you meet the level requirements and the booking is made more than a day in advance. If you have any questions or wish to book at shorter notice please contact Shropshire Adventures. Bookings can only be cancelled by contacting the office and all bookings are governed by Shropshire Adventures Terms. Vouchers cannot be used for online bookings.

Footer text:

Image shown when linked:

System Version
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